InfectedCraft Server Rules
Welcome to InfectedCraft! We strive to maintain a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive environment for all players. Please take a moment to review the following rules and guidelines to ensure a great experience for everyone.
Server Rules
1. Be Respectful: Treat all players and staff with respect.
a. No Racism: Racist language, symbols, or actions are strictly prohibited.
b. No Discrimination: Discrimination of any kind (e.g., based on gender, religion, nationality, etc.) is not allowed.
c. No Mean Comments: Avoid toxic behavior, bullying, or personal attacks.
2. Play Fair:
a. No Hacking: The use of hacks, cheats, or exploits is forbidden.
b. No Chat Abuse: Do not spam, use excessive caps, or flood the chat.
3. Keep It Clean:
a. No Threats: Any form of threats, including harm, doxxing, or harassment, is unacceptable.
b. No Advertisements: Advertising other servers, products, or services is not allowed.
Follow Staff Instructions: If a staff member asks you to stop certain behavior, comply immediately.
Consequences for Breaking Rules
Violating any of the above rules will result in consequences depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. Below are the general guidelines for rule enforcement:
Note: Staff members have the discretion to adjust punishments based on context and severity. Appeals can be made on the server’s official forum.
Contact Staff
If you encounter rule violations or need assistance, please contact a staff member or report the issue through our support channels. Let’s work together to keep InfectedCraft a fun and friendly place for all players!
Thank you for playing on InfectedCraft, and happy crafting!